#lockdownpart2 – Get your work-life balance in London back on track
One of the most significant changes to our professional lives this year has been the increase in home working. While some people have enjoyed the benefits (no early morning commute, more family time, no need to dress for work – well maybe the top half!), many have found working from home more challenging especially as we head in for #lockdownpart2 in the winter months with shorter days. However, there are many things you can control to make it a more positive experience and to improve your personal wellbeing as a priority. The main aim is to stay sane and keep a healthy body and mind.
Research by the United Nations International Labour Organisation shows that although employees are more productive when working outside the office, they are also likely to work longer hours. Homeworkers also work at a more intense pace and often have to deal with family and domestic issues alongside their professional challenges.
Mental Wellbeing
Of course, home workers are not alone in suffering from extra work pressure and stress but we have found that many staff members have been keen to return to the office to ease some of the loneliness and have some good old office banter and camaraderie that is sadly missed when at home. Interestingly it’s not just our sales team that fires off one another, as members within our support team also benefit with better problem solving working together than when working from home. They are more likely to ask someone sitting near them to help rather than pick up the phone to them and feel like they are disturbing someone at home.
Learn how to ease the pressure
Here are some simple tips to stay sane, whether you are working from home or in an office:
- Try to work smarter, not longer. This could involve prioritising tasks and allocating a set amount of time for each one. The Pomodoro Technique offers a useful way to break up your day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNBmG24djoY
- If you are at home, work in a different room if possible and shut the door of that room at the end of the day. Turn off work notifications on your phone and close your computer when you finish work. Create separation.
- Exercise to reduce stress. A walk or run through an open green space can also be relaxing and energising. There are many free fitness videos online and even if you manage a 15 minute session some mornings it will set your day up for focus and success!
- Monitor the hours you spend on work matters and set timers. Get up and take a break. Eat your lunch away from the screen. Get the right balance between work and play.
If you need an extra room for a home office, want some outdoor space or would like to move nearer to one of London’s open green spaces, why not get in touch with us at Hudsons? As trusted estate agents in central London, we’ll use our extensive local knowledge to find you a home where you can achieve the perfect work/life balance.
Make your move. Change your lifestyle. Live your dream!